Having problem to connect your Apple Devices to your PC, Windows? Or IF you are trying to connect your iPhone, iPad, or iPad to your PC via USB cable, and he doesn’t allow your devices, it may happen because of the Apple device USB Driver is not installed on your PC. If you’re facing issues with the Apple iPhone 2G USB driver, here are some general steps you can follow:

How to Install Apple iPhone 2G USB Driver For Windows 10
The first thing you have to do is to download Apple iPhone 2G USB Driver from our website, once you download that then you need to install it on your Windows. Follow these steps to install Apple iPhone 2G USB Driver on your Windows.
- Go to Device Manager on your PC and Plugin your device.
- Find USB Controllers, click Apple Mobile Device USB Driver.
- After that, Right Click and select update driver software.
- Click Browser, my PC and now Go to the program.
- Choose C:/program files (x64/x86)/ downloaded files/Apple/Mobile Device Support/Drivers.
- Now pick from a list of drivers on your PC.
- After that, click Apple Mobile Device USB Driver. And chick the Next Button, close Device Manager.
- Restart your laptop or computer and start using Apple Driver for Your Apple iPhone 2G.
Apple iPhone 2G Mobile Device USB Drivers Download
Description: Quickly Update Apple Device Drivers Just One Click
File Size: 3.46M
Supported OS: Windows XP, XP 64-bit, Vista, Vista 64-bit, 7, 7 64-bit, 11, 10, 8, 8.1
Apple iPhone 2G Recovery (DFU) USB Drivers Download
Description: Restore your iPhone Device in One Click
File Size: 3.46M
Supported OS: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP
Apple iPhone 2G Recovery (iBoot) USB Drivers Download
Description: Apple Recovery (iBoot) USB Composite Device
File Size: 889.31K
Supported OS: Windows XP, XP 64-bit, Vista, Vista 64-bit, 7, 7 64-bit, 11, 10, 8, 8.1
2 Best Ways to Update Apple iPhone 2G Mobile Device USB Driver
Here, we have described the best ways to update your Apple iPhone 2Gflashifyit Mobile USB device driver to solve your Windows PC issues.
Manually Update Apple Mobile Device Driver

To update Manually Drivers, Windows provides a built-in facility that help users to update and uninstall drivers, using device Manager you can update Apple iPhone USB Drivers on all Windows 7, 8.5, 10 and 11.
- Press Start Button and Search “Device Manager”.
- Find the “Universal Serial Bus devices” and double-click that to find the “Apple Mobile USB Device driver”.
- Now, to update that “Right-click the “Apple Mobile Device USB Device” and Click update driver.
- Now a screen pop up on your PC, where You have to select “Search automatically for drivers”.
- After that, Windows will start updating your drivers automatically with latest drivers.
- This process may take few mintes, after this “Restart your PC to apple all the changes.
2 Reinstall Apple Mobile USB Device Driver

Press Start Button and Search “Device Manager”.
Find the “Universal Serial Bus devices” and double-click that to find the “Apple Mobile USB Device driver”.
“Right-click the “Apple Mobile Device USB Device” and Click Uninstall.
Click the “Checkmark” to delete the driver software> and “OK’.
After that, again Go t “Device Manager” and click “Action” located on the top buttons and Click “Scan for hardware changes”.
Wait until the scanning to complete and install again the “Apple Mobile USB device driver” on your Computer.